So, now that I've had my 1st ultrasound I can finally share the news that I'm pregnant!!! I am 9 weeks and 2 days according to my last menstrual period. But my ultrasound showed the baby 3 days bigger, so who knows! I found out on August 28th, the day of the Dierk's Bentley concert :) If the baby is a boy I was trying to think of a way we could incorporate his name, but I'm sure we won't. We are pretty set on names, surprisingly! For a boy we like the name Logan James and for a girl we like the name Kinsley Rose. I've done gender predictor tests online and most of them say girl, but the Chinese gender zodiac one says boy. We will be able to find out in December, hopefully before Christmas! I want to know ASAP so I can start shopping! We have already bought our crib and changing table - only because it was a GREAT sale I couldn't pass up! We aren't going to set it up until after 20 weeks though. And since we are living with my dad, the baby will not have it's own room - which is fine. A crib will fit in our bedroom just fine!
I love this time of year, the weather starts getting colder and all the fun holidays come around...
I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving. Betty and Lou will be coming up for a few days to have Thanksgiving with us. I will be around 16 weeks then. I hope by then I am showing a little bit!! I'm not showing any now, but my pants are getting a little snug. I might have to go out and get some maternity pants - oh no!
Seeing our baby on the screen was one of the best feelings I have ever had. I didn't cry, but I just had this feeling come over me and I was like "Wow, I'm going to be a mom!" The doctor said baby looked great and everything was where it was supposed to be and that my chance for having a miscarriage now is only 3%. I already love this baby so much!! I can't wait to meet it. This week it's the size of a grape! :)