Wednesday, November 21, 2012

8 week Thanksgiving challenge

I set a goal at my Weight Watchers meeting 8 weeks ago. It was to lose 10lbs in 8 weeks. Today was my last weigh in before Thanksgiving and I made it! Over the 8 weeks I've lost 11.4lbs! I can't believe it, I feel so happy about crushing that goal. My total weight loss is now 28.2lbs. I only have 25.4lbs more to lose until I'm back at pre-pregnancy goal weight. I'd really like to reach my goal by Valentine's day OR sometime in February :) I'm fitting into jeans again that used to be tight on me. No one at work has said anything to me yet...which kinda bums me out, because almost 30lbs is a lot! I was my highest weight in the summer though (when I re-joined WW) so no co-workers saw me at my heaviest.

Anything is possible!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and Betty & Lou will be flying in. Their plane lands around 10:00am. We are so excited to see them! Tomorrow is also Betty's birthday, so we will be celebrating that as well :)

I have 5 days off now, well 4 1/2 left I guess. I'm looking forward to just relaxing and spending time with my family. I feel so lucky to have such a great family that I love so much!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

I've got a fever... fever, that is!

I was looking on Baby Center at some of my old journal entries. I only made three, as I look back now I wish I would have made more!
I'm going to post them on here in the order I wrote them. It's so exciting to look back and think that the little unknown baby I was talking about is Logan. It makes my heart feel full of joy and love!

So, this was our first month of trying for a baby. I thought I did really good by reading up on ovulation and the best time to concieve would be. My last period was August 3rd, 2010. Websites said I would get my period on August 31st and if I didn't get it I should take a test on September 3rd. I have been feeling different, not like I've ever felt before. I thought maybe it was because this is the first time in a long time that I'm not on birth control.
So on Friday the 27th I found an old pregnancy test from last year...don't worry the experation date was 2011 :) I thought "I'm going to take a test in the morning and see what it says." On Saturday morning I couldn't sleep...I woke up around 6:30am and went into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. I thought in my head "It's okay if there's not a pregnancy line...this is our first month trying, no big deal." I peed on the stick and waited a few seconds...nothing...and then it started to appear, very light - but it was there! I didn't know what to think of the "light line" so I went and woke up James and told him "Come look at this, I need your help!" So he came into the bathroom and he said "I see a line." I googled "Faint line on pregnancy tests" and it said "As long as there is a line, no matter how faint or dark - you are most likely pregnant."
Now I'm just in the disbelief stage where I'm thinking "Is this for real?" I am going to wait until Wednesday and I am going to take another test and if it's postive again, I will call my doctor and see what I need to do next! This is so exciting, I have wanted a baby for so long and now I might really be pregnant!!! Our baby would be due on May 10th, 2011. 

On Wednesday the 1st I took a second pregnancy test - just to make sure! And it was POSITIVE!!!
Well, I am getting close to 5 weeks now. We are super excited to have this baby...I cannot believe we have to wait so long to meet our little bundle of joy! It will be worth the wait, though!
Today Target was having a sale: Buy a certain crib, get the changing table FREE. And guess what? It was the exact same crib/changing table I've been looking at! It was meant to be. So we purchased our first big item for baby.
I've been reading on here from other posts about people who are still TTC after many months. I just want to say how blessed I feel to conceive our 1st month trying. Granted, I waited over a year while I was losing weight to start trying for a baby. I really feel like since I waited until I was healthy and ready, this is the reward! 102 pounds later and pregnant right away...I can handle that.
I scheduled my 1st ultrasound for October 6th @ 4:00pm. That will put me at 9w1d. I'm going to try Amber's doctor that she had. She speaks very highly of him, and I trust her opinion very much! We've told our families and a few close friends, but other than that we are going to wait until after our doctor appointment.
Betty and Lou are coming to visit for Thanksgiving, I will be around 16 weeks then. So I'm hoping we'll be able to find out the gender before/while they are here. But with the Thanksgiving weekend, that might be impossible.
I love my baby - I can't wait to meet him OR her. Even though I've read on gender predictors it will be a BOY...which I have a really strong feeling it will be. Which I'm totally fine with, I will love either gender just as much!! I just want a healthy and happy babyGrin


So I am 6 weeks 4 days pregnant now.
Last weekend on Saturday I started to feel really sick...and this sickness doesn't last just in the morning - it lasts ALL day Frown
I even had to leave work early on Thursday because I was feeling so horrible. It's really hard too when I work with people and am not telling anyone yet that I'm pregnant. So I just say that my tummy hurts and my back is sore...
My first ultrasound is in 18 days, I am so excited!! I just hope that everything is fine with the baby. That's all I keep thinking about and hoping for - is a healthy baby!
I can't wait until May 10th (or around then) for my little cupcake to arrive!!! I love it so much already

It's so funny to read those old entries, brings back crazy memories of when I first found out I was pregnant and how excited I was to tell everyone!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Holidays on the way!

I had my Weight Watchers meeting yesterday and to my surprise I didn't gain OR lose any! I stayed the same. Which is pretty awesome considering what I ate up there. I was cautious of my portion size, but not what I ate. I guess that really helped...not eating the whole serving of "whatever" I had ordered. I made a goal 7 weeks ago to lose 10lbs by Thanksgiving. I have one more weigh in and 2lbs to lose. I'm going to try and be really good this week! Even if I lose 1lb or 1.6lbs I'll still be happy because I came so close!

Logan is now 18 months old...I have a one and a half year old boy! :) He's supposed to have an 18 month check up, but his doctor was so booked up that his appointment isn't until December 14th...and he'll be 19 months by then! But I guess it doesn't really matter. I think he gets the last of his shots for awhile...I hope! He's been really fussy the last couple of nights. I'm wondering if his 2 year molars are already starting to come in (1st tooth at 4 months and he had his 1 year molars before he even turned 1). He's been loving watching Thomas the train on TV. Every time he wants to watch it he says "Choo choo!" and he will keep saying it until we turn on the TV or tell him no. If we tell him no he usually throws a little fit. I am fine with him throwing fits, he gets over it. He needs to learn that he can't always get every thing that he wants.

I'm having a 31 bag party tomorrow evening at our house. So tonight I bake 3 different treats. 2 of them are WW friendly and the other one isn't. I also have cheese and crackers and chips and salsa to put out. Oh! I'm also trying a new punch recipe. It's technically for Halloween but I figure Thanksgiving and fall is still orange, so I'm going to give it a try! I hope it's yummy :)

Tomorrow is Friday and then next week we only have to work Monday and Tuesday then we have FIVE days off! I can't wait, it's going to be so nice to be at home and just relax. We don't really have any big plans. For Thanksgiving Betty and Lou are flying up here. I'm not sure if Uncle Ed will be having dinner with us or not, and I think Eric, Joanne, and Dylan are coming, too. It will just be  a small gathering, which will be nice. I think Uncle Dave, Aunt Robin, Sarah, and Jacque will be coming over after dinner for desert and to hang out. That will be nice, I haven't seen Jacque since the end of August! She's living in Arizona right now and working there. James, my mom, and I are going to get up early for Black Friday shopping and then go out to breakfast afterwords.

I love the holidays!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Victoria Trip!

On Thursday we left bright and early to drive up to Port Angeles, WA. We were taking the 2:00pm ferry over to Victoria, BC to visit our friends Josh & Allyssa and their new baby Carlo.
We got there 2 hours early (you are supposed to be there 90 minutes early). Checked in and parked our car and then went and got some lunch at the Dairy Queen across the street. The ferry ride over wasn't as bad as I remembered from a couple years ago. It was fairly quick and Logan loved running around on the outside deck. Thank goodness the weather was nice.
Our hotel (timeshare) was about 3 minutes away from the ferry. So it was super nice to just get off the ferry and be at our place. The room was stayed in was so nice! We had a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom, so Logan had his own room to sleep in.
We met up with Josh, Allyssa, Kyle, Megan, & all the kids for dinner that same evening. Logan was over tired from not getting his nap that day so he was a total mess. It stresses me out when he acts like that - I know he can't help it, it just sucks for me.
We got lost a lot. Driving around in the dark with no map/phone is really hard! We did a lot of shopping during the trip and a lot of eating. I didn't eat as good as I planned on. Which kinda sucks :( I also was naughty and got a DQ treat tonight - which was NOT needed.

Last Wednesday before we left I went to WW to weigh in and I was down 3.8lbs! Which means I have now lost 8lbs and I still have 2 more weigh ins to go before Thanksgiving. I need to lose 2lbs over the next 2 weeks to meet my own goal I made. I think I can do it, I really just need to start working out again and staying away from the junk food we have.

Tomorrow Logan is going to be 18 months old. I can't believe how fast time has gone by. A year and a half old already! It's almost time for me to start thinking of birthday party ideas :) I can't wait! He is such a fun little boy. I love him so much!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Over the last month...

In my last post I wrote about going to the Pumpkin Patch. Last year we didn't even go, maybe because Logan was too young to even know what was going on - OR I don't even know why. I think we just keep saying "Next weekend" and then before we knew it, Halloween was over! We went to 2 Pumpkin Patches this year.
The first one we went to was Lee Farms out in Tualatin. We went with our friends Brandon, Sarah, & Owen (who is only 3 months younger than Logan). I love that they are so close in age! We had decent weather, and lots of fun. The boys loved it! We even took home some delicious home made apple cider/pumpkin donuts!
The second we went to was over on Sauvie's Island, it was called Kruger's Farm. We went with just my mom, my dad decided to stay at home. We went there because my mom had a Groupon. Besides taking a wrong turn, it was a really nice Pumpkin Patch! We rode a hay ride, got some candy apples, roasted corn, and picked out our pumpkins. It was raining but only a tiny bit, not enough to get us soaked.

Tomorrow is Wednesday and then on Thursday morning we are leaving for Canada to go visit Josh, Allyssa, and their son Carlo! I'm so excited to see him - and them :) It will be a nice little weekend getaway. I'm a little nervous for the drive. It's close to 5 hours. Logan can handle a car trip to the beach, which is like 2...the last long road trip we took was to Reno in March when he was 10 months old. I'm hoping if I give him some books and snacks he will be okay - and I cross my fingers he takes a nap!

It's so hard to believe that in less than a week Logan is going to be 18 months - a year and a half! Time has gone by so fast, but I just keep thinking about all the fun that has yet to come! We took him trick-or-treating this year. He was dressed up as a monkey. The first few houses we went to he was a little nervous, but he warmed up to the idea and actually started grabbing candy out of the bowl. Next year is going to be so much more fun. I hope he will be able to pick out his own costume and maybe I won't have to carry him all over, hehe.
Even though Logan's words aren't very clear he surprises me with how much he can say and understands. He's been super sweet lately giving me lots of hugs and snuggles. I just love him so much! I must kiss him like 874641 times a day.

Two weeks ago at Weight Watchers I gained .6 of a pound. I knew that I would gain, just because I hadn't been making the best food choices OR working out. Last week with Halloween being on a Wednesday I didn't even go weigh in. Tomorrow is weigh in day and I'm hoping that I lost something! Even that .6 that I gained would be great! I set a goal to lose 10lbs in 8 weeks (deadline is Thanksgiving). I have 3 more weigh in's to Thanksgiving and I still need to lose 5.8lbs. I'm not sure if I can do it...I might be looking at maybe 8lbs total. I'm going to try really hard to make good choices in Canada! On a happy note: I wore some skinny jeans today that I haven't worn since last October/November! And they even felt more lose than they did last year when I bought them! So that was a happy thing :) 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Lots to update!

I'm only 7 months behind on updating my blog, no biggie! Logan is now 17 months old - I can't believe that time has gone by so fast. I've enjoyed every second of being his mommy!

I can't remember his stats for 12 months (he's sleeping at his baby book is in his room). I will try and update that part later.

He had a great 1st birthday party. It was a hot day which was surprising for May. His birthday was on a Saturday this year so we had his party on his actual birth-day. A lot of little friends came and a lot of family, too. It was extra special that Grandpa Lou & Grandma Betty were here from Reno!

Logan didn't care for his cake too much. I know for his 2nd birthday he's going to love it! I can't wait to see him attack it.

In other news, I rejoined Weight Watchers in July and I've already lost 20 pounds. I still have 33 more pounds to lose before I reach my goal. I was hoping to reach it by my birthday (January 3rd). But I don't think that's possible. It might be more realistic in February or March. I feel so much better about myself just losing the 20 pounds. I can move around more and doing small things don't make me out of breath - it's amazing!

So many people I know are having babies, pregnant, or just announcing that they are pregnant. I have serious baby fever. I wanted to wait until after I reached my goal - but lately I've been thinking, I'm just getting older...the clock is ticking! We might start trying sooner than I originally thought. I want another baby and I want Logan to be a big brother. The other day we were playing in his room and I asked him "Do you want mommy to have a baby?" He walks out of the room, goes into the living room, and comes back with his baby doll! I think he wants a baby :) I would really like to have another son. If I could choose I would pick a boy, but I would be so happy with either! It would just be easier because we already have tons of boy clothes and toys.

We are going to the Pumpkin Patch this weekend. We are actually going twice, once tomorrow with our friends and then again on Sunday with my parents. We never took Logan last year because he was so young and we just ran out of time! I think he will have a lot of fun there, I can't wait to see how he reacts to all those orange pumpkins! :) We haven't had any rain for months it seems like; and just today it started raining. BOO! We will probably get really wet at the Pumpkin Patch but it should still be fun.

For the upcoming months: we are going to drive to Canada in early November to see our friends who just had a baby, I'm so excited about that! Betty & Lou are coming up for Thanksgiving again this year, I'm really looking forward to seeing them. We don't have any plans for Christmas this year, just hanging out at home. And then for Spring Break (I know, it's so far away) we are hoping to fly to Reno and stay for the week!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

11 month update!

Newborn, 6lbs 9oz - 19 1/2 inches long.

1 month old, 7lbs 10oz - 21 inches long.

2 months old, 9lbs 15oz - 22 1/2 inches long.

3 months old, 11lbs 6oz - 24 inches long.

4 months old, 13lbs 3oz - 25 inches long.

5 months old, 14lbs 7oz - 26 1/2 inches long.

6 months old, 15lbs - 26 1/2 inches long.

7 months old, 15lbs 14oz - 27 inches long.

8 months old, 16lbs 2oz - 27 inches long.

9 months old, 17lbs 4oz - 28 1/3 inches long.

10 months old, 17lbs 10oz - 29 inches long.

11 months old, 17lbs 13oz - 29 inches long.

At 11 months Logan:
  • started walking! He took a few steps first, now he will stand up against anything and take off. We call his walk the "Zombie" walk :)
  • claps at everything he likes.
  • is dancing when he hears music!
  •  loves to wrestle on the floor.
  • loves going out to stores - he's a very big people person.
  • tried his first Fudgesicle - he loved it!
  • holds anything up to his hear to pretend it's a phone :) cutest thing ever!
  • loves saying good morning to all the animals.
 I have planned most of his party. We will be going to Costco sometime this week to price food and see how much we need of each thing. Only a few more weeks, we can't wait!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Birthday Excitement!

I'm getting SO excited for Logan's party! I thought I'd post a few of the pictures of what I have already and some of the ideas I'm going to use (thanks to Pinterest)!

All the balloons! His theme colors :)

This will hang above his NB-1 Year pictures!

A few of his pictures!

2 flower bouquets I made to set out on tables.

*Idea taken from Pinterest* Going to line the kitchen ceiling with balloons!

*Idea taken from Pinterest* A couple balloon towers!

Okay...obviously I'm so excited and READY! Well, almost - I custom ordered a cloth diaper for Logan to match his party theme! So for his birthday he's going to be so cute in his little diaper that matches :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012


I've had Logan in cloth all day today and no leaks! Guess why? I have him in pocket diapers! I never thought I would like those...but then I bought a couple because I thought the prints were cute and "Why not try them to see if they work?" And now they are my favorite! They have such a snug fit - and aren't near as bulky as the prefolds with covers. I'm going to hold onto all the prefolds and covers to try when he gets bigger. Maybe when he's a toddler they will work better :)

I've been trying to get things ready/lined up for his birthday party. Invites have been sent out, cake ordered, supplies bought. There are going to be a TON of balloons for his birthday (not helium, just oxygen)! I bought a couple hand pumps so a couple people can be pumping and I can be stringing and making a few balloon towers. We still need to decide on a menu and buy all the food/drinks. We ordered his cake yesterday from Sweet Cakes. She did our wedding cake and it was beautiful and tasted so yummy, so we decided (just this year) to get Logan's cake from there. It was $90.00! It's going to look so cute though - she drew up a quick sketch, I can't wait to see it when it's all finished. AND he even gets a free smash cake from there, how cool is that??

Logan took some steps last night! He won't stand up and walk on his own -but if someone stands him up and legs go - off he zooms! We got a little bit on video and one picture. I still think it will be awhile before he can walk on his own, but it's so weird to see him walking! He's so cute he just melts my heart!

James sold his slug bug, so we have/had a lot of extra money (because we used most of our tax money to buy him a different car). So we bought plane tickets to Reno. We will be going July 6th-14th! I'm super excited, I love Reno! And I love Port of Subs!!! I'm a little nervous to fly with Logan - but I'm hoping the hour and twenty minutes goes by fast, maybe he'll even fall asleep :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Cloth not going like I planned!

On Saturday I put Logan in cloth all day - the 1st part of the day was okay. I changed him about every 2ish hours, but after a little while he started getting leaks. They are coming from the side of his leg, down by his thigh. His legs are so skinny that I don't think they cover his leg all the way - so that when he pees and he sits down, the compression from the wet diaper squeezes out the sides. We went through lots of clothes and cloth on Saturday.

So on Sunday I tired to do my best to research what I was doing wrong. Am I folding it right? Did I wash all my prefolds the right way? Is the cover too lose? UGH! I thought this was supposed to be easy. Even though it frustrates me, I'm not going to give up because I've already invested too much to stop now.

I've decided that Thirsties aren't going to work for us (for now) because the leg holes are too big. I'm going to have to try other brands and see if those are better. I had him in a medium Swaddlebee's tonight and the leg holes were STILL too big!

I need to start feeding this boy some cheeseburgers!!!

All of his covers/pockets/nighttime diapers!
And I have about 4-6 more on the way...I order so many I lost track! Good thing I'm finding them used (in excellent condition) or on sale with free shipping! I did order a special one from Etsy that I didn't mind paying a little extra for :) I will of course post pictures of it when it comes!

I have him in a nighttime one tonight for the 1st time - I'm hoping he doesn't wake up in a pool of potty! I read good reviews on those diapers so I hope they work well for Logan!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Logan's 1st Fluff!

I got a couple packages today and I was so excited to open them up! I tore right into them :)

First package had the 2 Palm Tree covers (red and blue).
Second package had the 2 KaWaii heavy wetter overnight diapers (lime dot and green animal).

Before he can start using any of them I still need to buy prefolds/inserts AND I need my Eco Sprouts laundry detergent to arrive. I'm not sure when it's supposed to be here - but I can't use any of these dipes unless they are washed first. So let's hope for fast shipping on that detergent!

The new diapers!

Logan clapping for cloth!

Are these for me?

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Getting prepared!

We spent the last week in Reno for Spring Break. We stayed with Betty and Lou at their house. It was a lot of fun! Logan had lots of fun, too. He didn't do so well on the car ride back home though. We are going again in July and we are trying to figure something out - like Logan and I flying and James driving...or all of us just flying? We don't know yet, but we do know that car ride was bad!

Now that we are back home I am ready to start cloth diapering. I've ordered some stuff online (just waiting for it to get here). I don't even know if I can remember everything I've ordered.

1 FLIP cover with stay dry insert
2 Bumkins covers
2 Palm Tree covers
2 KaWaii heavy wetters (for night time)
1 Happy Heiney pocket diaper
Bag of Eco Sprouts laundry detergent
Wool dryer balls
2 pairs of leg warmers

I still need lots of prefolds - I'm going to check with Tidee Didee to see their prices.

Wet bags - Owl for my diaper bag - Green for diaper pail

Thursday, March 29, 2012

1st Diaper Purchase!

I found some never worn Palm Tree cloth diaper covers today for $6.00 a piece! That's including shipping & handling. They actually sell Palm Tree covers at Tidee Didee where I was looking at a package deal - the lady said they are very comparable to Thirsties (they even kinda look the same). I was so happy that they are boy colors. I feel like there are always so many girl diapers but not many boy ones...unless I'm just looking in the wrong spots!
Palm Tree Covers in light blue & red

I also have my wet bags at home (I'm assuming they came while we've been in Reno). I ordered some cute leg warmers for Logan yesterday, too. He's going to look so cute in them! I just bought 2 try them out and see if Logan even likes them.

I'm super excited about saving money!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

More cloth talk!

James, Logan, and I went into Tidee Didee today - it's a local diaper sever place. They actually have a service that brings you new cloth diapers every week and you give them the used ones, they take them away and wash them. If we had a lot of extra money I'd totally do that. But we are trying to save money with cloth diapering - SO we are going to get our own and I'll wash them here.

I'm a little nervous about making the switch. I think it will take me a few weeks to get in the swing of things - rinsing off the poop and making sure they don't stink. I've researched good cloth diaper detergents so I'll have to order some of that. Anyways, Tidee Didee has a package where you get 6 Thirsties Duo Wraps and 24 prefolds for $135. I thought that was a pretty good deal for the quality of the wraps and prefolds. They also have doublers for nighttime, we'll have to get 2-4 of those.

I'm going to have my dad install a DIY diaper sprayer in our bathroom. OR I even think our shower head would reach the toilet, so we might not need one of those. I need to get a garbage can from Target and a wet pail liner from Tidee Didee.

Overall I hope not to spend more than $200-$250 on all of this. This is something that we can keep using until he's *hopefully* potty trained! And for our next baby as well. We are going on vacation to Reno for Spring Break so we have to make sure we have enough gas money and fun money to get there and back. After that we are going to sit down and look at our money and see if we have enough to switch ASAP.

I don't know if my dad is going to be okay with spraying the poop, so I might have to be in charge of the messy poop ones - but that doesn't bother me. I would much rather handle poop than throw up!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

10 month update!

Okay, the countdown is on now. Only TWO more months until my baby turns 1. It's a happy/sad emotion. Happy because he is growing up into such a sweet boy - and sad because he's not going to be my "little baby" for much longer!

I'm very much looking forward to all the "big boy" things like: talking, walking, eating real foods (not purees), potty in the toilet, first day of Kindergarten, etc.

I'm already planning for his 1st Birthday. I have a guest list made up and I made an event on Facebook to get an idea of how many people are coming. So far only 1 person has said she can't make it - I think we'll have a full house! I have the decorations planned out (and bought) I need to start planning a menu - something simple but yummy! I love parties!

Here are his monthly pictures/stats:

Newborn, 6lbs 9oz - 19 1/2 inches long.

1 month old, 7lbs 10oz - 21 inches long.

2 months old, 9lbs 15oz - 22 1/2 inches long.

3 months old, 11lbs 6oz - 24 inches long.

4 months old, 13lbs 3oz - 25 inches long.

5 months old, 14lbs 7oz - 26 1/2 inches long.

6 months old, 15lbs - 26 1/2 inches long.

7 months old, 15lbs 14oz - 27 inches long.

8 months old, 16lbs 2oz - 27 inches long.

9 months old, 17lbs 4oz - 28 1/3 inches long.

10 months old, 17lbs 10oz - 29 inches long.

At 10 months Logan:
  • has started eating some finger foods
  • likes to point his finger at things/people
  • loves to dance when I sing or he hears good music
  • gets into every cupboard so Grandpa Steve had to put locks on everything!
  • babbles a lot more than he did last month, likes saying "da da da" and "ya ya ya"
  • still sleeps through the night, and 2 naps during the day
  • has 4 teeth on top, 3 on the bottom, and is currently cutting a bottom molar (ouch)!
  • likes looking at books - his favorite one is called "Quack Quack" and yes, I have it memorized :)
  • loves playing with the dogs, especially Oscar. He will find Oscar's favorite toy (Manny) or his ball and try and give it to him. He also likes to peek under the blanket where Oscar is sleeping and giggle at him.
  • loves being chased! We played chase for about 30 minutes tonight. He'd crawl away from me and want me to come get him
  • loves going for walks or to the park. The swing is his favorite! I wish we had more sunny days here

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Possibly Cloth?

I've been thinking about switching to cloth diapers. I've been so thankful that I've only had to buy a few boxes of NB, 1's, & 2's sized diapers - I got so many from my baby shower! I have a few more packs of size 3 (which he's currently in) and like one small pack of size 4.

Now that Logan's older and not pooping multiple times a day (and most of the time it's solid) I was thinking that cloth might be a good idea. I love how convenient disposable diapers are, but if he's in them until he's 3(ish) that's a lot of diapers!

I read on one website that diapering a baby for that long will cost the average parent over $2,000!
James recently bought a different car, because his bug doesn't have heat - and isn't safe for Logan if James ever needed to take Logan somewhere in his car. So he's trying to sell his bug. If he can sell his bug I think we should use some of that money to invest in some cloth for Logan.

The ones I've been looking at are perfect for Logan, too! Age 9-36 months OR 18-40lbs. I'm sure Logan is 18lbs now - but I wouldn't be starting this right away. Probably in a few months when I run out of disposable diapers.

A print of the ones I'm looking at!

I'm new at this and have no idea where to start! I've read you can make your own wipes - not sure if I would do that OR just use the regular baby wipes? I haven't even mentioned this to James yet, but I'm sure he would be all for them if it's saving us money!

Monday, February 13, 2012

9 month update!

Happy 9 months to my sweet baby Logan! Only 3 more months until he turns 1 year old! Time is going by so fast. I just wish I could push a "slow" button to slow down this time that he's so small.

Here are his monthly pictures/stats:

Newborn, 6lbs 9oz - 19 1/2 inches long.

1 month old, 7lbs 10oz - 21 inches long.

2 months old, 9lbs 15oz - 22 1/2 inches long.

3 months old, 11lbs 6oz - 24 inches long.

4 months old, 13lbs 3oz - 25 inches long.

5 months old, 14lbs 7oz - 26 1/2 inches long.

6 months old, 15lbs - 26 1/2 inches long.

7 months old, 15lbs 14oz - 27 inches long.

8 months old, 16lbs 2oz - 27 inches long.

9 months old, 17lbs 4oz - 28 1/3 inches long.

At 9 months Logan:
  • hates getting his picture taken. Every time we bring out a camera he looks away/starts crying.
  • loves crawling around and getting into EVERYTHING!
  • feeding himself foods like; cheese, spaghetti, Puffs, and Mum Mums. I'm still a little scared to give him bigger finger foods because I don't want him to choke!
  • sleeps 10-12 hours during the night (without waking up once).
  • loves walking with his walker, he is still trying to learn how to turn it.
  • still rides in his infant car seat, but we have ordered a big boy one and it's on it's way!
  • waves bye bye - but somehow can't wave hi?
  • claps his hands!
  • plays chase and peek-a-boo :)

I have his 1st birthday stuff all ordered. I still need to make a trip to Party City to get the rest of the stuff, but I'm looking forward to celebrating! That day is going to be so much fun, I'm more excited about it than he is! :)