I was looking on Baby Center at some of my old journal entries. I only made three, as I look back now I wish I would have made more!
I'm going to post them on here in the order I wrote them. It's so exciting to look back and think that the little unknown baby I was talking about is Logan. It makes my heart feel full of joy and love!
this was our first month of trying for a baby. I thought I did really
good by reading up on ovulation and the best time to concieve would be.
My last period was August 3rd, 2010. Websites said I would get my period
on August 31st and if I didn't get it I should take a test on September
3rd. I have been feeling different, not like I've ever felt before. I
thought maybe it was because this is the first time in a long time that
I'm not on birth control.
So on Friday the 27th I found an old pregnancy test from last year...don't worry the experation date was 2011 :) I thought "I'm going to take a test in the morning and see what it says." On Saturday morning I couldn't sleep...I woke up around 6:30am and went into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. I thought in my head "It's okay if there's not a pregnancy line...this is our first month trying, no big deal." I peed on the stick and waited a few seconds...nothing...and then it started to appear, very light - but it was there! I didn't know what to think of the "light line" so I went and woke up James and told him "Come look at this, I need your help!" So he came into the bathroom and he said "I see a line." I googled "Faint line on pregnancy tests" and it said "As long as there is a line, no matter how faint or dark - you are most likely pregnant."
Now I'm just in the disbelief stage where I'm thinking "Is this for real?" I am going to wait until Wednesday and I am going to take another test and if it's postive again, I will call my doctor and see what I need to do next! This is so exciting, I have wanted a baby for so long and now I might really be pregnant!!! Our baby would be due on May 10th, 2011.
So on Friday the 27th I found an old pregnancy test from last year...don't worry the experation date was 2011 :) I thought "I'm going to take a test in the morning and see what it says." On Saturday morning I couldn't sleep...I woke up around 6:30am and went into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. I thought in my head "It's okay if there's not a pregnancy line...this is our first month trying, no big deal." I peed on the stick and waited a few seconds...nothing...and then it started to appear, very light - but it was there! I didn't know what to think of the "light line" so I went and woke up James and told him "Come look at this, I need your help!" So he came into the bathroom and he said "I see a line." I googled "Faint line on pregnancy tests" and it said "As long as there is a line, no matter how faint or dark - you are most likely pregnant."
Now I'm just in the disbelief stage where I'm thinking "Is this for real?" I am going to wait until Wednesday and I am going to take another test and if it's postive again, I will call my doctor and see what I need to do next! This is so exciting, I have wanted a baby for so long and now I might really be pregnant!!! Our baby would be due on May 10th, 2011.
On Wednesday the 1st I took a second pregnancy test - just to make sure! And it was POSITIVE!!!
Well, I am getting close to 5 weeks now. We are super excited to have this baby...I cannot believe we have to wait so long to meet our little bundle of joy! It will be worth the wait, though!
Today Target was having a sale: Buy a certain crib, get the changing table FREE. And guess what? It was the exact same crib/changing table I've been looking at! It was meant to be. So we purchased our first big item for baby.
I've been reading on here from other posts about people who are still TTC after many months. I just want to say how blessed I feel to conceive our 1st month trying. Granted, I waited over a year while I was losing weight to start trying for a baby. I really feel like since I waited until I was healthy and ready, this is the reward! 102 pounds later and pregnant right away...I can handle that.
I scheduled my 1st ultrasound for October 6th @ 4:00pm. That will put me at 9w1d. I'm going to try Amber's doctor that she had. She speaks very highly of him, and I trust her opinion very much! We've told our families and a few close friends, but other than that we are going to wait until after our doctor appointment.
Betty and Lou are coming to visit for Thanksgiving, I will be around 16 weeks then. So I'm hoping we'll be able to find out the gender before/while they are here. But with the Thanksgiving weekend, that might be impossible.
I love my baby - I can't wait to meet him OR her. Even though I've read on gender predictors it will be a BOY...which I have a really strong feeling it will be. Which I'm totally fine with, I will love either gender just as much!! I just want a healthy and happy baby
Well, I am getting close to 5 weeks now. We are super excited to have this baby...I cannot believe we have to wait so long to meet our little bundle of joy! It will be worth the wait, though!
Today Target was having a sale: Buy a certain crib, get the changing table FREE. And guess what? It was the exact same crib/changing table I've been looking at! It was meant to be. So we purchased our first big item for baby.
I've been reading on here from other posts about people who are still TTC after many months. I just want to say how blessed I feel to conceive our 1st month trying. Granted, I waited over a year while I was losing weight to start trying for a baby. I really feel like since I waited until I was healthy and ready, this is the reward! 102 pounds later and pregnant right away...I can handle that.
I scheduled my 1st ultrasound for October 6th @ 4:00pm. That will put me at 9w1d. I'm going to try Amber's doctor that she had. She speaks very highly of him, and I trust her opinion very much! We've told our families and a few close friends, but other than that we are going to wait until after our doctor appointment.
Betty and Lou are coming to visit for Thanksgiving, I will be around 16 weeks then. So I'm hoping we'll be able to find out the gender before/while they are here. But with the Thanksgiving weekend, that might be impossible.
I love my baby - I can't wait to meet him OR her. Even though I've read on gender predictors it will be a BOY...which I have a really strong feeling it will be. Which I'm totally fine with, I will love either gender just as much!! I just want a healthy and happy baby
So I am 6 weeks 4 days pregnant now.
Last weekend on Saturday I started to feel really sick...and this sickness doesn't last just in the morning - it lasts ALL day
I even had to leave work early on Thursday because I was feeling so horrible. It's really hard too when I work with people and am not telling anyone yet that I'm pregnant. So I just say that my tummy hurts and my back is sore...
My first ultrasound is in 18 days, I am so excited!! I just hope that everything is fine with the baby. That's all I keep thinking about and hoping for - is a healthy baby!
I can't wait until May 10th (or around then) for my little cupcake to arrive!!! I love it so much already

It's so funny to read those old entries, brings back crazy memories of when I first found out I was pregnant and how excited I was to tell everyone!
Last weekend on Saturday I started to feel really sick...and this sickness doesn't last just in the morning - it lasts ALL day
I even had to leave work early on Thursday because I was feeling so horrible. It's really hard too when I work with people and am not telling anyone yet that I'm pregnant. So I just say that my tummy hurts and my back is sore...
My first ultrasound is in 18 days, I am so excited!! I just hope that everything is fine with the baby. That's all I keep thinking about and hoping for - is a healthy baby!
I can't wait until May 10th (or around then) for my little cupcake to arrive!!! I love it so much already
It's so funny to read those old entries, brings back crazy memories of when I first found out I was pregnant and how excited I was to tell everyone!
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