Sunday, April 15, 2012


I've had Logan in cloth all day today and no leaks! Guess why? I have him in pocket diapers! I never thought I would like those...but then I bought a couple because I thought the prints were cute and "Why not try them to see if they work?" And now they are my favorite! They have such a snug fit - and aren't near as bulky as the prefolds with covers. I'm going to hold onto all the prefolds and covers to try when he gets bigger. Maybe when he's a toddler they will work better :)

I've been trying to get things ready/lined up for his birthday party. Invites have been sent out, cake ordered, supplies bought. There are going to be a TON of balloons for his birthday (not helium, just oxygen)! I bought a couple hand pumps so a couple people can be pumping and I can be stringing and making a few balloon towers. We still need to decide on a menu and buy all the food/drinks. We ordered his cake yesterday from Sweet Cakes. She did our wedding cake and it was beautiful and tasted so yummy, so we decided (just this year) to get Logan's cake from there. It was $90.00! It's going to look so cute though - she drew up a quick sketch, I can't wait to see it when it's all finished. AND he even gets a free smash cake from there, how cool is that??

Logan took some steps last night! He won't stand up and walk on his own -but if someone stands him up and legs go - off he zooms! We got a little bit on video and one picture. I still think it will be awhile before he can walk on his own, but it's so weird to see him walking! He's so cute he just melts my heart!

James sold his slug bug, so we have/had a lot of extra money (because we used most of our tax money to buy him a different car). So we bought plane tickets to Reno. We will be going July 6th-14th! I'm super excited, I love Reno! And I love Port of Subs!!! I'm a little nervous to fly with Logan - but I'm hoping the hour and twenty minutes goes by fast, maybe he'll even fall asleep :)

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