James, Logan, and I went into Tidee Didee today - it's a local diaper sever place. They actually have a service that brings you new cloth diapers every week and you give them the used ones, they take them away and wash them. If we had a lot of extra money I'd totally do that. But we are trying to save money with cloth diapering - SO we are going to get our own and I'll wash them here.
I'm a little nervous about making the switch. I think it will take me a few weeks to get in the swing of things - rinsing off the poop and making sure they don't stink. I've researched good cloth diaper detergents so I'll have to order some of that. Anyways, Tidee Didee has a package where you get 6 Thirsties Duo Wraps and 24 prefolds for $135. I thought that was a pretty good deal for the quality of the wraps and prefolds. They also have doublers for nighttime, we'll have to get 2-4 of those.
I'm going to have my dad install a DIY diaper sprayer in our bathroom. OR I even think our shower head would reach the toilet, so we might not need one of those. I need to get a garbage can from Target and a wet pail liner from Tidee Didee.
Overall I hope not to spend more than $200-$250 on all of this. This is something that we can keep using until he's *hopefully* potty trained! And for our next baby as well. We are going on vacation to Reno for Spring Break so we have to make sure we have enough gas money and fun money to get there and back. After that we are going to sit down and look at our money and see if we have enough to switch ASAP.
I don't know if my dad is going to be okay with spraying the poop, so I might have to be in charge of the messy poop ones - but that doesn't bother me. I would much rather handle poop than throw up!
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