Monday, January 9, 2012


I got on the scale today after avoiding it for some time.



Okay, I knew it was going to be bad. I have been eating everything in sight and lots of it. With Thanksgiving, Christmas, my Birthday - I said "Who cares?" And just indulged.

My current weight is 179.1.

Today I have drank lots of water, ate healthy meals/snacks, and even worked out on the elliptical for 20 minutes. I feel very serious about this now. Logan is going to be 8 months old on Thursday - that means he is only FOUR months away from being ONE YEARS OLD! I would love to be smaller before his Birthday. I know it's going to be hard, but I've done it once before and I feel like I can do it again.

My mini goal: 5-10lbs by February 14th.
Short term goal: 25-30lbs by Logan's Birthday May 12th.
Long term goal: 40lbs by July 12th.

I'm unsure about rejoining Weight Watchers. I don't like the idea of having to drive out to the meetings by myself every Wednesday. I'm still thinking about it - I know it would help me and if my insurance still covers it I guess I should do it.



  1. it's not that bad. you've got 20lbs to a healthy bmi probably.

    shoot for 5lbs a month. that seems to be what i'm able to lose without much exercise. join us ladies here too: we're trying for 6lbs in 6 weeks which was jan 3rd-feb 14

    just do momentum if you can, or points plus if you can calculate the points. but also remember if you join WW in time, even if insurance doesn't pay for it, you'll get free etools if you stay within goal once you hit lifetime as well as someone to keep you accountable. have you looked into closer meetings?

    that first goal is definitely do able. make sure to tweak your goals if you find you're getting close and might not make them. it's better to surpass the goals rather than not quite make them and get discouraged. i barely beat one of my last ones

  2. I just checked and for me to have a healthy BMI I would need to weigh 149lbs - making that 30lbs to a healthy BMI :( seems so far away!

    5lbs a month sounds wonderful! I am going to be exercising just because it makes me feel so much better when I do. So I hope that will speed up the process a little more.

    The meeting that I used to attend was the closest one. And it's not that it's THAT far away...maybe like 10-15 driving, but I just hate having to go back out after work after I've been home.

    My brother's girlfriend is going to do the 1st goal with me. We are going to be support buddies. She is going to be in a wedding in September and wants to lose some weight before then.

    Thank you for all the advice and tips - I'd be pretty sad if I didn't achieve one of my goals, but it would be okay if I came pretty close!
