During my pregnancy:
I started getting terrible "morning sickness" that lasted all day around 6 weeks. It was hard to eat and I always felt like I was going to puke. During my whole pregnancy I never puked once, though! I ended up buying some Sea Bands to wear, and those SAVED MY LIFE! I seriously don't know what I would have done without them.

Betty and Lou came to visit for Thanksgiving. I was about 16 weeks then and getting a little belly, although most of my clothes still fit. We got our stroller while they were here, and James put it together for me! A little after 16 weeks my "morning sickness" finally went away!
We were able to find out the gender on December 19th! What a perfect early Christmas gift. I had strong feelings since the beginning that the baby was going to be a boy. During the ultrasound the tech said "Oh, it looks like a girl. I'm not seeing anything stick out." And I was shocked and said "Really? Are you sure?" Just because I KNEW it was going to be a boy. Sure enough, she was moving the wand around and there popped out his little weenie! :) She said everything looked great and he was growing right on track. We pretty much had a name picked out for him from the start - Logan James! He was due to arrive on/around May 10th, 2011.

Christmas was pretty low key, we did the usual. Had a get together with my mom and her husband and had a get together here with my dad and his side. I made Logan his 1st stocking which he will probably use for this year only. Then next year when he's 1 I will buy him a different one!
The rest of the pregnancy flew by, the beginning and the ending were the slowest parts. I had a total of 3 baby showers. One was at James' work (Lincoln Park Elementary) one was at my work (North Powellhurst Elementary) and then I had one family/friend shower! Logan got a TON of stuff that he's still using. Thank you for everyone who came and gave Logan a gift. He says thank you! :)
Here are a few belly shots:
I went to my 40 week appointment on Wednesday the 11th. My blood pressure was high and Dr. Drake said he would feel most comfortable with inducing me that night and delivering him the following day. At first I was scared, I felt like crying. I did not want to be induced! I got into my car and called my mom and started crying. She told me everything would be fine and that I needed to listen to my doctor. I called my doctor and told him that yes I would like to come in that night to be induced. I went home, packed everything we needed and James and I headed to the hospital at 7:00pm. It was crazy driving away from home knowing that when we came back Logan would be with us!
We got to the hospital at 7:00pm and they put me in a room. I had to get in a gown and by 8:00 they were setting up my IV and Cervidil. Cervidil is a tampon looking thing that a nurse puts up by your cervix. It's supposed to help soften and dilate it. I had that in for 12 hours, pretty much over night and for the next morning. She took it out (it was painful going in AND coming out) and I had not dilated AT ALL from it. It pretty much did nothing for me.
Around 10:00am they started me on pitocin. That is a drug that helps start contractions. I started feeling contractions about a half hour later. At first they weren't bad, just felt like cramps.
Around 1:00pm Dr. Drake came in and broke my water. Logan had pooped so there was meconium in the water. They stuck a tube up inside my uterus and ran fluids to flush out all the bad stuff. I had that up there right until he came out.
I was going to try and do a natural labor, but after 8 hours of pain and knowing I had only dilated to a 3 - I gave in and got the epidural. By that time I was crying and shaking in pain. It was terrible! I give huge kudos to those mom's who can do it without an epidural. After the epidural the pain was very minimum, and the rest of the evening flew by!
I dilated pretty quickly after my epidural and my mom came up for support and to take pictures once he was born. I ended up pushing for an hour and then his head was coming out! I asked the nurse "When is my doctor going to come?" And she says "I guess I better call him!" I had to stop pushing and wait (about 15-20 mins) before he got there. After he arrived, I gave 6 pushes and Logan was born! His cord was really short so they couldn't lay him up on me. James cut it and they took him over to check him out. As soon as he came out I started crying like a baby! I think James and my mom were crying too. I finally got to hold him and snuggle a bit and then I heard Dr. Drake say "I think we may need to take her to the OR." I had really bad internal and exterior tearing. They took Logan away and wheeled me out. The last thing I wanted was to be taken away from my baby! I was crying and shaking so bad they had to sedate me. I was so scared, I didn't know what was wrong. After about an hour in the OR I was taken back to my room and James was on Skype with Betty showing her Logan. I finally got to hold him some more, and all was good!
He was born at 10:46pm on May 12th, 2011 - weighing 6lbs 9oz and he was 19 1/2 inches long!
I was in the hospital from Wednesday evening and we got to leave Saturday afternoon. We were so happy to be home with him!
Some of the things I struggled with at first was breastfeeding. Since I had a breast reduction in 2005 it was very hard. I was also in a lot of pain down below from everything that had happened. Everything was just so stressful, I am still sad to this day that breastfeeding didn't work out for us. All that matters now is that he's growing and becoming such a handsome little boy (even if he does have to drink formula)! Getting him on a sleeping schedule was hard at first too. I think the first 2-3 days I only got like 5 hours a sleep - TOTAL! It's funny because in some of the pictures I look so tired my eyes are almost closed.
Here are his monthly pictures/stats:
I cannot believe how much he's changed over the last few months. He's so cute and so much fun! He's turning into such a sweet little boy. He just started "talking" and squealing, it's super cute! I go back to work in about 3 weeks, I'm really not looking forward to that. It's going to be so hard to leave him!!! I am thankful that my dad is more than likely going to watch him for me!
On another note, during my pregnancy I gained about 55lbs *YIKES*! I am down about 20ish but I still have a long ways to go. I started doing Weight Watchers again. My goal is to be down to my pre-pregnancy weight by my birthday (which is January 3rd).
Well, I think that's all my updating I need to do for now. I am going to try to update this thing more often (like every few days or so). We'll see how that goes! :)
Great blog my love! I love you so much! <3 <3 <3
ReplyDeleteGlad someone read it! :)I love you too!