Saturday, August 27, 2011

Poor Logan :(

Logan has his 1st cold. I can just tell that he doesn't feel good. I've checked his temp the last two days and he hasn't had a fever. He has a really stuffy nose, making it hard for him to breathe. I went to Fred Meyer today and got him some baby saline spray. I put a couple drops up his nose (he hated it) and then sucked out all the boogies (he hated that even more)! His snot is clear, so I think that's a good thing - no sign of infection. We have a humidifier so I think we are going to try that tonight as well. He hasn't really taken a nap today, I tired for his morning nap and he just wasn't having it! Even though he was clearly tired. I'm trying again now after he's eaten and his nose is cleaned out. I have him in his swing right now, listening to some baby music and sucking away on his binky. I hope he will fall asleep!

I went to Border's yesterday and because they are closing everything in the store was at least 50% off! I got an awesome book called "Blender Baby Food." I'm going to start feeding him rice cereal (homemade) in October when he's around 5 months and then we will start the baby purees (homemade as well) in November when he's 6 months. I can't wait to start feeding him food, I bet he's going to love it!

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