I'm applying for a transfer from Ventura Park to Earl Boyles. The main reason I want to work at a different school is to be closer to home (Logan). I'm already really bummed about having to go back to work - and on top of that I have to be placed at the school that is FURTHEST away from our house. UGH. The school I had been working at for 3 years is closed now (due to budget cuts, and it was a temporary school anyways). It's sad because all the staff is being placed wherever. I'm going to miss working with that group of people.
James and I are still doing Weight Watchers. Since we joined (I think 5-6 weeks ago) I have lost 10.4lbs and James has lost 8.6lbs! We are doing so good. Olive Garden is having their "Never ending Pasta Bowl" so we are going to go eat that tonight. I figure it's okay to be bad once in awhile - gotta live it up! And that pasta is just TOO yummy :)
One of my friends Sarah had her baby boy on Sunday. They named him Owen! Him and Logan are only 3ish months apart. I'm happy he will have a play-mate when they both get a little older. Here is a picture of them together:
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