Monday, February 13, 2012

9 month update!

Happy 9 months to my sweet baby Logan! Only 3 more months until he turns 1 year old! Time is going by so fast. I just wish I could push a "slow" button to slow down this time that he's so small.

Here are his monthly pictures/stats:

Newborn, 6lbs 9oz - 19 1/2 inches long.

1 month old, 7lbs 10oz - 21 inches long.

2 months old, 9lbs 15oz - 22 1/2 inches long.

3 months old, 11lbs 6oz - 24 inches long.

4 months old, 13lbs 3oz - 25 inches long.

5 months old, 14lbs 7oz - 26 1/2 inches long.

6 months old, 15lbs - 26 1/2 inches long.

7 months old, 15lbs 14oz - 27 inches long.

8 months old, 16lbs 2oz - 27 inches long.

9 months old, 17lbs 4oz - 28 1/3 inches long.

At 9 months Logan:
  • hates getting his picture taken. Every time we bring out a camera he looks away/starts crying.
  • loves crawling around and getting into EVERYTHING!
  • feeding himself foods like; cheese, spaghetti, Puffs, and Mum Mums. I'm still a little scared to give him bigger finger foods because I don't want him to choke!
  • sleeps 10-12 hours during the night (without waking up once).
  • loves walking with his walker, he is still trying to learn how to turn it.
  • still rides in his infant car seat, but we have ordered a big boy one and it's on it's way!
  • waves bye bye - but somehow can't wave hi?
  • claps his hands!
  • plays chase and peek-a-boo :)

I have his 1st birthday stuff all ordered. I still need to make a trip to Party City to get the rest of the stuff, but I'm looking forward to celebrating! That day is going to be so much fun, I'm more excited about it than he is! :)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Can't stick to it.

My 1st week of losing weight was amazing - probably too amazing. I gained the next week, and then the week after that - and probably so on. I haven't weighed myself for at least 2-3 weeks now. I feel like I just can't stay on track if I'm not signed up through Weight Watchers. I really hate being overweight. I need to make the phone call and try to sign up again. I just hate going to the meetings in the evenings. I'd much rather go in the mornings like I used to. But now with my start time at 9:00am there is no meeting right before that.

Logan is going to be 9 months old tomorrow. I just can't believe it! He's such a good baby and he's becoming so smart!

I don't really have anything else to blog about. Just feeling kinda blah...