Sunday, September 18, 2011


I can't believe September is ALREADY half way over with. I'm looking forward to the next 6 months. We've got Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, my birthday, Valentine's Day, and Spring Break coming up! And then 2 months after Spring Break will be Logan's 1st birthday - CRAZY!

Last Sunday (the 11th) I had just finished feeding him his nighttime bottle - and I was letting him suck on my finger. While my finger was in there I felt a little sharp tooth poking up! I wasn't able to see it but I could feel it. It's his bottom right one. I thought by now maybe his bottom left one would be coming up, but there's nothing there (yet)! I'm not able to take a picture of it because it's still so small and hard to see. I'm hoping within the next couple weeks I'll be able to get a good picture of it.

Work is going okay. I'm just having some problems with my schedule but I met with the principal and he was rearranging it and he said he would e-mail it to me this weekend. I'm still waiting to see it - I hope it comes soon!

Today we are going to visit my mom and her husband and then after that Kari's little girl (Malia) is turning ONE so we are going to her birthday party!

The weather has been kinda yucky the last few days - raining here and there. Today is not a very nice day. I'm looking forward to the Fall weather and I hope that it will snow A LOT this year!!!!

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