Monday, September 26, 2011

Back on the wagon...

After doing WW for a little over a month and losing about 10 pounds - I stopped. I don't remember why...but I think it's so much harder having a baby. Maybe that's just an excuse. Today I got on the treadmill for 20 minutes. I ran for about half of it and walked the other half. I figure I have to start somewhere! I did this while Logan was napping after I came home from work.

I would really like to fit back into my old clothes (mostly pants) and who knows if I ever will! People say your body changes so much after you have a baby. We got Papa Murphy's for dinner tonight - and I only had one slice. I would normally have at least 3. It's just TOO yummy! I do really good for breakfast and lunch - but once I get home I just want to snack and eat really bad. James and I really need to go grocery shopping once he gets paid on Friday. I can't wait to buy healthy food and get back on track!

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