Thursday, February 21, 2013

Trying to look on the bright side!

After I had my chemical pregnancy a few friends told me that they (or) someone they knew who also had a chemical got pregnant quickly after. Supposedly you are more fertile after a miscarriage - who knows, I really haven't looked into it. I'm just hoping that when it's meant to be, it will happen.
With that being said - I don't even know when to expect my period. One of my friends told me it took her 103 days before hers came. She was further along than I was, so I'm not sure if that plays a role or not. Again, I'm trying not to stress too much! I don't feel I guess I'm just going to wait and listen to my body and THEN test. Before with my chemical I didn't have any symptoms besides feeling like I needed to potty more often. Maybe I would have never found out if I wasn't such an early tester? If I were to get pregnant soon my due date month would be November, which I'm okay with. I really really REALLY wanted a September baby (always have, don't know why - just did). But it's just a month, who cares!

4 weeks from tomorrow and we'll be heading off to Reno! I'm super excited to visit my in-laws. A lot of people talk about how they don't like their in-laws and can't stand them but I love mine! I feel so lucky and blessed that we all get along so well. And we all have so much fun together. They are wonderful grandparents to Logan. It makes me so happy. The only thing that would make it better is if we all lived closer to each other. We really don't live THAT far away (10-12 hour drive). It could be a lot worse.

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