Logan is now 5 months old! Next month we will celebrate his half year birthday with a yummy butternut squash OR sweet potato dinner (I haven't decided yet which will be his first veggie). He is growing so fast and he is so smart. He can now recognize his bottle if you show it to him. He will hold out his hands and reach for it and open his mouth. He looks so cute while doing this - almost like a little bird :) We are going to try and get a video of it soon.
Lately he hasn't been as happy - I find it harder to get smiles and giggles from him. I'm wondering if he has more teeth coming in (the ones on the top). In my baby book it said that I got my top ones 2 months after my bottom ones. Well, Logan got his 1st tooth when he was almost 4 months...so he's getting close, I wouldn't be surprised if that's what was bothering him.
We are feeding him rice cereal a couple times a day now. Usually breakfast and then dinner. I might introduce some oatmeal cereal to him later today :) Mix it up a bit, give the boy some variety! He still rolls over a lot, and when he's on his belly he likes to flail his legs and arms around - almost like he's surfing :) He will tuck his knees under him but he can't figure out his arms yet. I think one day he will just take off crawling!
We bought him an exersaucer off Amazon last week. He seems to like it. His legs are a little short right now (they don't reach). So we put a very thick blanket underneath to help. He loves playing with the toys, but a few of them are too short to get into his mouth - and he doesn't like that!
Grandma Betty and Grandpa Lou are coming to visit for Thanksgiving this year. We are looking forward to it very much. I think the visits with them and Logan are going to just keep getting more fun - he changes constantly! I think he gets more fun as he gets older. He's so much more interactive and doesn't just lay there (like when he was a newborn). Don't get me wrong - I miss him being a tiny little cuddly baby! But I love my big boy :)
I love reading your blogs..they are so beautiful!