Thursday, October 20, 2011

Stent Removal...

I had my stent removed on Tuesday the 18th. It was a terrible experience! It was just an office procedure. I had to undress from the wait down, the nurse came in and prepped me for the doctor. She had this syringe thing full of "numbing gel" that she shot up my urethra (gross, I know). For the procedure he stuck a scope up my urethra and it had a tube and a camera on it I think, because they were watching a TV. I was crying out in pain - hoping that it would end soon. That numbing gel did nothing...I felt everything they were doing. The feeling of the stent coming out was disgusting. I really hope I never have to experience that again!

I've been sick for the past week or so - just started with a sore throat, then I lost my voice, and now I have green snot coming out like crazy. And I can't stop coughing! I really hope I don't pass it on to Logan and that I get better real soon!

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