I'm going skip this week. I didn't watch what I ate when we were at the beach - and of course for Thanksgiving yesterday I ate whatever sounded good. I figure Thanksgiving only comes once a year, why deprive myself? We are also going out to dinner tonight - either a BBQ place or maybe Old Spaghetti Factory YUM!
Next week WILL be better :)
Friday, November 25, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
6 month update!
Wow, I am so far behind - I totally forgot about updating this a couple weeks ago when he turned 6 months!
Here are his monthly pictures/stats:
Newborn, 6lbs 9oz - 19 1/2 inches long.
1 month old, 7lbs 10oz - 21 inches long.
2 months old, 9lbs 15oz - 22 1/2 inches long.
3 months old, 11lbs 6oz - 24 inches long.
4 months old, 13lbs 3oz - 25 inches long.
5 months old, 14lbs 7oz - 26 1/2 inches long.
6 months old, 15lbs - 26 1/2 inches long.
At 6 months Logan is trying lots of new veggies. He will only eat them if they are mixed with his rice cereal with formula.
He's been sleeping through the night for about a week now :) I'm enjoying that - but almost every morning he wakes up with super wet clothes because he's sleeping for almost 12 hours straight. It makes for a lot of laundry for mommy!
We celebrated Thanksgiving today. It was a lot of fun with family, friends, and yummy food! Betty and Lou were in town, Uncle Dave, Aunt Robin, Agnes, Sarah, Jacque, Uncle Ed, Eric, and his girlfriend Joanne. So much food...YUM!!! So many yummy leftovers :)
I'm looking forward to celebrating Christmas next!
Here are his monthly pictures/stats:

At 6 months Logan is trying lots of new veggies. He will only eat them if they are mixed with his rice cereal with formula.
He's been sleeping through the night for about a week now :) I'm enjoying that - but almost every morning he wakes up with super wet clothes because he's sleeping for almost 12 hours straight. It makes for a lot of laundry for mommy!
We celebrated Thanksgiving today. It was a lot of fun with family, friends, and yummy food! Betty and Lou were in town, Uncle Dave, Aunt Robin, Agnes, Sarah, Jacque, Uncle Ed, Eric, and his girlfriend Joanne. So much food...YUM!!! So many yummy leftovers :)
I'm looking forward to celebrating Christmas next!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Week 3 weigh in!
I thought I did really well this week, kind of non-motivating when I don't lose more than a pound! Damn you Pizza Hut, I'm blaming this on you! I don't know what else it could have been, unless my body is just telling me "Hey fatty, get off your butt and exercise!" Which that very well could be the case. Last time I was a lot more active and I lost a good amount of weight each week.
Current weight: 168.6
Weight lost this week: 0.5 :( :( :(
Total weight lost: 7.9
Weight to lose: 28.6
Next weigh in day is going to be the day after Thanksgiving. Oh boy! And we are going to the beach this weekend! I hope I can make good choices there.
Current weight: 168.6
Weight lost this week: 0.5 :( :( :(
Total weight lost: 7.9
Weight to lose: 28.6
Next weigh in day is going to be the day after Thanksgiving. Oh boy! And we are going to the beach this weekend! I hope I can make good choices there.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
I feel so stuck right now. I hate my job. I wish so badly that I could stay at home with Logan. Most of my day isn't too bad, it's the last 1.5 hours that feel like 8 hours! There was a job opening at a school really close to our house (like I could walk there, it's actually the school I went to, and I even worked there a couple years). But the principal is hiring someone else that already works within the school :( I just feel like I'm never going to be able to leave the school I'm working at unless I quit. I don't get along with my principal, I feel like he doesn't care about my feelings and just kind of shoves me aside. I'm getting really close to writing him a letter telling him how I feel. I feel like it's really affecting my mood - like I leave work really grumpy. I almost lost it today with the lady behind the Pharmacy counter.
I weighed myself this morning (I do every morning just to keep myself on track) and the stupid thing hasn't even moved! TMI: but I am on my period and feel bloated. But I've been really good about eating healthy foods - except for Pizza Hut on Friday I've been a food angel! I had a really big loss last week, so I guess that's going to make up for this week.
We took Logan to see Santa last night - I posted a picture on facebook and people seemed offended that I already took him. He's my child and I will take him to see Santa when I feel like it! Get over it! He's a baby - he doesn't know when Christmas is. I'd rather take him too soon when it's not crowded than later when it's super busy and we have to stand in a long line. Anyways, he was unsure of Santa at first - looked at him, pulled on his beard a little. Then the ladies taking the picture started making noises with a horn and bells and a clapper and he started crying! Poor guy just doesn't like a lot of noise.
Logan's 1st Santa Claus visit! :) It was a successful picture I'd say, too bad he's not smiling.
I weighed myself this morning (I do every morning just to keep myself on track) and the stupid thing hasn't even moved! TMI: but I am on my period and feel bloated. But I've been really good about eating healthy foods - except for Pizza Hut on Friday I've been a food angel! I had a really big loss last week, so I guess that's going to make up for this week.
We took Logan to see Santa last night - I posted a picture on facebook and people seemed offended that I already took him. He's my child and I will take him to see Santa when I feel like it! Get over it! He's a baby - he doesn't know when Christmas is. I'd rather take him too soon when it's not crowded than later when it's super busy and we have to stand in a long line. Anyways, he was unsure of Santa at first - looked at him, pulled on his beard a little. Then the ladies taking the picture started making noises with a horn and bells and a clapper and he started crying! Poor guy just doesn't like a lot of noise.
Logan's 1st Santa Claus visit! :) It was a successful picture I'd say, too bad he's not smiling.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Santa Claus is coming to town!
We are going to take Logan to see Santa at the mall today. I know it's early - but we were there over the weekend and there was like NO LINE! I figure it will get really busy after Thanksgiving and I don't want to wait in the long line with a baby. We are going to be busy this weekend - and next weekend is Thanksgiving. So today is the perfect day to go. I wonder if he's going to have another picture meltdown? I will post pictures later!
I'm very excited for the beach this weekend. I'm looking forward to eating a nice big bowl of clam chowder and maybe some other yummy seafood! And of course: salt water taffy! I'm hoping that the weather is somewhat decent so we can take Logan onto the beach to feel the sand. I read it's supposed to rain :( If it does, we'll probably just hang out in our hotel room OR window shop (with lots of coats and blankets).
I'm very excited for the beach this weekend. I'm looking forward to eating a nice big bowl of clam chowder and maybe some other yummy seafood! And of course: salt water taffy! I'm hoping that the weather is somewhat decent so we can take Logan onto the beach to feel the sand. I read it's supposed to rain :( If it does, we'll probably just hang out in our hotel room OR window shop (with lots of coats and blankets).
Saturday, November 12, 2011
The weather here is getting kinda cold. Today is has been raining and just nasty out!
Logan had his 6 month photos and well baby check up yesterday. Before his pictures he had a 2 hour nap, a full belly, and a clean diaper. As soon as we sat him down to have his picture taken he had a total meltdown!!! He cried (what I felt like) the entire time! I was embarrassed, but he doesn't know any better. When she went back to get the pics on a disk I thought "Great, there are going to be NO good ones." She came back and we looked at the pics, there were actually a handful that were really cute. He looked sad in most of them, so we picked the 3 best ones and just bought those.
After that he had his well baby check up. He weighs 15 pounds even! He's getting to be such a big boy, and he's around 26 1/2 inches long. I feel like he's longer than that, and heavier! He had to get 2 shots in his legs. He cried and got real mad - it always makes me feel bad for him :( His doctor said he was looking really good and he was growing right on track. Today Logan has been acting a little off because of the shots. He's very clingy, sad, and he's had a litter fever. He's never been this way after shots, so I'm wondering if the dosage was bigger this time because he's getting older/bigger.
Last night I was bad and ordered Pizza Hut. It was my weigh in day, so I felt okay eating it. As long as for the rest of the week I'm on track. I had 3 slices last night and 1 bread stick - it was SO yummy and totally hit the spot! Now I just need to decide what's for dinner tonight!
We had a little play date at our house today with Sandra, Mariza, Kari and their girls Celeste, Ava, and Malia. Logan was pretty good for most of the time, towards the end he got really tired so I had to lay him down for a nap - and he's still sleeping! His morning nap this morning was short so he's probably just trying to catch up on his sleep now.
Logan had his 6 month photos and well baby check up yesterday. Before his pictures he had a 2 hour nap, a full belly, and a clean diaper. As soon as we sat him down to have his picture taken he had a total meltdown!!! He cried (what I felt like) the entire time! I was embarrassed, but he doesn't know any better. When she went back to get the pics on a disk I thought "Great, there are going to be NO good ones." She came back and we looked at the pics, there were actually a handful that were really cute. He looked sad in most of them, so we picked the 3 best ones and just bought those.
After that he had his well baby check up. He weighs 15 pounds even! He's getting to be such a big boy, and he's around 26 1/2 inches long. I feel like he's longer than that, and heavier! He had to get 2 shots in his legs. He cried and got real mad - it always makes me feel bad for him :( His doctor said he was looking really good and he was growing right on track. Today Logan has been acting a little off because of the shots. He's very clingy, sad, and he's had a litter fever. He's never been this way after shots, so I'm wondering if the dosage was bigger this time because he's getting older/bigger.
Last night I was bad and ordered Pizza Hut. It was my weigh in day, so I felt okay eating it. As long as for the rest of the week I'm on track. I had 3 slices last night and 1 bread stick - it was SO yummy and totally hit the spot! Now I just need to decide what's for dinner tonight!
We had a little play date at our house today with Sandra, Mariza, Kari and their girls Celeste, Ava, and Malia. Logan was pretty good for most of the time, towards the end he got really tired so I had to lay him down for a nap - and he's still sleeping! His morning nap this morning was short so he's probably just trying to catch up on his sleep now.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Week 2 weigh in!
I tried to do really good this week. Like, REALLY good. I ate what I knew was good for me - but on Friday I did eat 2 sticks of a dark chocolate KitKat, a couple bites of a Snickers Peanut butter Squared, and a mini Halloween sized Crunch bar. And I STILL managed to lose weight this week! What a great feeling! This makes me really want to keep working towards my goal. I would never have been inspired to lose weight if it wasn't for my friend, thank you Allyssa!
Current weight: 169.1
Weight lost this week: 4.6
Total weight lost: 7.4
Weight to lose: 29.1
I LOVE seeing that I have less than 30lbs to go! I guess I should probably set a time of when I want to reach my goal by. When I rejoined WW in the summer my goal was my Birthday - January 3rd. But now that's too close and I don't want to fail at meeting my goal.
So, I'm going to say: I'd like to meet my goal by Spring Break, March 26th is my official first day off from work. I think that's more realistic than my Birthday.
I have been drinking a lot more water.
I have also been eating more veggies and having a fruit with my lunch.
Still no exercise, I need to start walking on the treadmill at least! I'd love to get back into running someday. I really enjoyed that, it was a great way to de-stress when I got home from work.
Current weight: 169.1
Weight lost this week: 4.6
Total weight lost: 7.4
Weight to lose: 29.1
I LOVE seeing that I have less than 30lbs to go! I guess I should probably set a time of when I want to reach my goal by. When I rejoined WW in the summer my goal was my Birthday - January 3rd. But now that's too close and I don't want to fail at meeting my goal.
So, I'm going to say: I'd like to meet my goal by Spring Break, March 26th is my official first day off from work. I think that's more realistic than my Birthday.
I have been drinking a lot more water.
I have also been eating more veggies and having a fruit with my lunch.
Still no exercise, I need to start walking on the treadmill at least! I'd love to get back into running someday. I really enjoyed that, it was a great way to de-stress when I got home from work.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
A busy week!
This week I only worked Monday and Tuesday - I have the rest of the week off due to teacher conferences and Veteran's Day on Friday.
Wednesday: Dr. Drake appointment (not looking forward to this) and getting my hair done!
Thursday: Logan and I are going to go have lunch with my mom at her work.
Friday: Logan's 6 month photos taken, and 6 month well baby check up.
Saturday: Play date with some friend's and their babies! Bunco that evening.
Sunday: A day to relax and probably do lots of laundry.
The next weekend we are going to the beach. We are going to Seaside and staying Friday and Saturday night. My brother and his girlfriend, and her son will be joining us on Saturday night. I've never met her before, so it should be a lot of fun. I'm just hoping for decent weather. This will be Logan's 1st beach trip! I bet it will be cold though, gotta make sure to pack lots of warm clothes and blankets for him.
The following week is when Betty and Lou will be coming up for Thanksgiving!!! We are all super excited for that and wish that they could stay longer. I feel like November is busy and after Thanksgiving it will be almost December.
I picked up a big butternut squash from Fred Meyer's a few days ago. I'm going to make it on Sunday for him and feed it to him that evening for dinner. I hope he likes it! :)
Wednesday: Dr. Drake appointment (not looking forward to this) and getting my hair done!
Thursday: Logan and I are going to go have lunch with my mom at her work.
Friday: Logan's 6 month photos taken, and 6 month well baby check up.
Saturday: Play date with some friend's and their babies! Bunco that evening.
Sunday: A day to relax and probably do lots of laundry.
The next weekend we are going to the beach. We are going to Seaside and staying Friday and Saturday night. My brother and his girlfriend, and her son will be joining us on Saturday night. I've never met her before, so it should be a lot of fun. I'm just hoping for decent weather. This will be Logan's 1st beach trip! I bet it will be cold though, gotta make sure to pack lots of warm clothes and blankets for him.
The following week is when Betty and Lou will be coming up for Thanksgiving!!! We are all super excited for that and wish that they could stay longer. I feel like November is busy and after Thanksgiving it will be almost December.
I picked up a big butternut squash from Fred Meyer's a few days ago. I'm going to make it on Sunday for him and feed it to him that evening for dinner. I hope he likes it! :)
Sunday, November 6, 2011
My Charm
I found my charm earlier today when I was cleaning. It really made me stop and think how dedicated and commited I was the 1st time I joined Weight Watchers.
This weekend has been okay. I'm trying a new healthy lasagna tonight. I'm hoping it will taste good. I don't think it's going to taste as good as the real good stuff!
Here is my charm:

The one that holds everything is in the shape of a 10 - for reaching 10% of my body weight gone.
I have the clapping hands for attending 16 meetings in a row.
25lb weight loss
50lb weight loss
75lb weight loss
5K walk/run
The star is for reaching my goal weight
100lb weight loss
The key is for being a LIFE TIME member!
I think I got all the charms possible...I look at this and it motivates me. I need to keep it in sight from now on!
This weekend has been okay. I'm trying a new healthy lasagna tonight. I'm hoping it will taste good. I don't think it's going to taste as good as the real good stuff!
Here is my charm:
The one that holds everything is in the shape of a 10 - for reaching 10% of my body weight gone.
I have the clapping hands for attending 16 meetings in a row.
25lb weight loss
50lb weight loss
75lb weight loss
5K walk/run
The star is for reaching my goal weight
100lb weight loss
The key is for being a LIFE TIME member!
I think I got all the charms possible...I look at this and it motivates me. I need to keep it in sight from now on!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Celebrating Kellie & Claire!
Today Logan and I went to Kellie's baby shower. Kellie is a friend that I used to work with at North Powellhurst. She is due on December 22nd with her baby girl named Claire. It was a fun baby shower, no silly games - just good people and food! Stacy hosted it, she did a great job (as usual). The cake was super yummy, from Costco! I got to see a lot of old co-workers and it made me sad about my current work situation.
Anyways, I ate too big of a piece of cake and 2 sugar cookies! Other than that my day has been on track. I don't weigh in until Friday so I'm hoping I'll be okay. I'm going out with Pam and Amy on Thursday for Pam's birthday. We are planning on going to Red Robin. I will have to be good and instead of ordering french fries, I'll ask for melon.
I'm happy because this coming work week I only work 2 days! I have Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off! Conferences on Wed/Thur and then Friday is Veteran's Day! It's going to be a dream come true only working 2 days. I'm going to be busy next week though. Wednesday I have my lovely "yearly" check up with Dr. Drake. After that I'm getting my hair done (pics to come). I need a change - not sure if I'm going to go short or with a different color, but something needs to happen! Thursday lunch date. Friday Logan's 6 month photos, and 6 month well baby check up (including shots) :(
Logan slept so good last night! He went to bed around 9:00pm - woke up crying for his binky around 12:30am. And he didn't wake up for the day until 8:15am! I wish every night was like that. I was up around 7:00am though because I had to get up and check on him to make sure everything was okay. I can't wait to get a video monitor then I won't have to get up - I can just look over and know he's still breathing and still on his back asleep :)
Thanksgiving is coming soon, we are so excited for that! This year we are going to have Thanksgiving here at my Dad's house. Betty and Lou will be coming from Reno and my dad's side of the family - Uncle Dave, Aunt Robin, Sarah, Jacque, Agnes, Uncle Ed, and then of course Eric will be here. Lots of people, lots of food, and lots of fun! Gobble Gobble!
Anyways, I ate too big of a piece of cake and 2 sugar cookies! Other than that my day has been on track. I don't weigh in until Friday so I'm hoping I'll be okay. I'm going out with Pam and Amy on Thursday for Pam's birthday. We are planning on going to Red Robin. I will have to be good and instead of ordering french fries, I'll ask for melon.
I'm happy because this coming work week I only work 2 days! I have Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off! Conferences on Wed/Thur and then Friday is Veteran's Day! It's going to be a dream come true only working 2 days. I'm going to be busy next week though. Wednesday I have my lovely "yearly" check up with Dr. Drake. After that I'm getting my hair done (pics to come). I need a change - not sure if I'm going to go short or with a different color, but something needs to happen! Thursday lunch date. Friday Logan's 6 month photos, and 6 month well baby check up (including shots) :(
Logan slept so good last night! He went to bed around 9:00pm - woke up crying for his binky around 12:30am. And he didn't wake up for the day until 8:15am! I wish every night was like that. I was up around 7:00am though because I had to get up and check on him to make sure everything was okay. I can't wait to get a video monitor then I won't have to get up - I can just look over and know he's still breathing and still on his back asleep :)
Thanksgiving is coming soon, we are so excited for that! This year we are going to have Thanksgiving here at my Dad's house. Betty and Lou will be coming from Reno and my dad's side of the family - Uncle Dave, Aunt Robin, Sarah, Jacque, Agnes, Uncle Ed, and then of course Eric will be here. Lots of people, lots of food, and lots of fun! Gobble Gobble!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Week 1 weigh in!
I had my first weigh in this morning, and I'm very happy with the numbers I saw under my feet! I'm down 2.8 pounds this morning. This is all with just eating better, no exercise at all. I do want to start exercising though because it makes me feel so much better.
Current weight: 173.7
Total weight lost: 2.8
Weight to lose: 33.7
I'm a little worried about the holidays, just because I have been looking forward to them for so long and am going to want to eat like a pig! I will say that on Thanksgiving I never have really gone back for seconds. I also don't like my food touching, so that helps me take smaller portions.
I will say that I like to weigh in on Fridays - it was James' idea, and what a great one it is.
Current weight: 173.7
Total weight lost: 2.8
Weight to lose: 33.7
I'm a little worried about the holidays, just because I have been looking forward to them for so long and am going to want to eat like a pig! I will say that on Thanksgiving I never have really gone back for seconds. I also don't like my food touching, so that helps me take smaller portions.
I will say that I like to weigh in on Fridays - it was James' idea, and what a great one it is.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
I could be doing better...
I set some goals for the month of November and they aren't off to a very good start.
I have been trying to drink more water, but it's hard when I'm so busy at work and can't get to the staff room fridge. I don't like room temperature water, and my ice cubes always melt too fast!
I haven't even tried an ounce to exercise/move more. Logan is napping right now and I should be on that treadmill or elliptical - but nope, here I am blogging and looking around on facebook!
I am very proud of how I've been eating though. Not snacking at all after work, I've been eating a fruit for a snack and a veggie with dinner. And even though we have DELICIOUS Halloween candy sitting around - I haven't touched it. But I want to so bad!!!
I'm very anxious to see what I weigh on Friday. I'm not expecting a lot - because it will just be a 5 day weight change, but I'm hoping for a little something! That's what motivates me to keep me going.
I have been trying to drink more water, but it's hard when I'm so busy at work and can't get to the staff room fridge. I don't like room temperature water, and my ice cubes always melt too fast!
I haven't even tried an ounce to exercise/move more. Logan is napping right now and I should be on that treadmill or elliptical - but nope, here I am blogging and looking around on facebook!
I am very proud of how I've been eating though. Not snacking at all after work, I've been eating a fruit for a snack and a veggie with dinner. And even though we have DELICIOUS Halloween candy sitting around - I haven't touched it. But I want to so bad!!!
I'm very anxious to see what I weigh on Friday. I'm not expecting a lot - because it will just be a 5 day weight change, but I'm hoping for a little something! That's what motivates me to keep me going.
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