Friday, November 18, 2011

Week 3 weigh in!

I thought I did really well this week, kind of non-motivating when I don't lose more than a pound! Damn you Pizza Hut, I'm blaming this on you! I don't know what else it could have been, unless my body is just telling me "Hey fatty, get off your butt and exercise!" Which that very well could be the case. Last time I was a lot more active and I lost a good amount of weight each week.

Current weight: 168.6
Weight lost this week: 0.5 :( :( :(
Total weight lost: 7.9
Weight to lose: 28.6

Next weigh in day is going to be the day after Thanksgiving. Oh boy! And we are going to the beach this weekend! I hope I can make good choices there.

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