Friday, November 11, 2011

Week 2 weigh in!

I tried to do really good this week. Like, REALLY good. I ate what I knew was good for me - but on Friday I did eat 2 sticks of a dark chocolate KitKat, a couple bites of a Snickers Peanut butter Squared, and a mini Halloween sized Crunch bar. And I STILL managed to lose weight this week! What a great feeling! This makes me really want to keep working towards my goal. I would never have been inspired to lose weight if it wasn't for my friend, thank you Allyssa!

Current weight: 169.1
Weight lost this week: 4.6
Total weight lost: 7.4
Weight to lose: 29.1

I LOVE seeing that I have less than 30lbs to go! I guess I should probably set a time of when I want to reach my goal by. When I rejoined WW in the summer my goal was my Birthday - January 3rd. But now that's too close and I don't want to fail at meeting my goal.

So, I'm going to say: I'd like to meet my goal by Spring Break, March 26th is my official first day off from work. I think that's more realistic than my Birthday.

I have been drinking a lot more water.
I have also been eating more veggies and having a fruit with my lunch.
Still no exercise, I need to start walking on the treadmill at least! I'd love to get back into running someday. I really enjoyed that, it was a great way to de-stress when I got home from work.



  1. great job!

    you're too hard on yourself though. i ate a ton of chocolate last week and still lost almost 2lbs. a mini chocolate bar, 2 sticks of kit kat and a couple bites? that's nothing. you've got your weeklies to use. don't deprive yourself or you'll find it too hard to keep going

  2. I am too hard on myself. Tonight I didn't feel like cooking dinner, James was at work, and the weather was nasty rainy and dark - I didn't feel like going to get food. So I called Pizza Hut. I had 2 slices of pizza and a bread stick. I feel like now I shouldn't have ate that much!

  3. Oh I figured out what I was trying to say before. Last time on WW, you had a goal of getting healthy to TTC. This time, as far as I know, there's no goal beyond just losing the weight. I'm worried that you will get down to goal and lose motivation because you feel deprived and won't be able to stay eating like this for the rest of your life. Yay, I finally can put it into words.

    Check out this blog here. She's really great and has a great attitude about the ups and downs of the last few pounds.
