Sunday, November 6, 2011

My Charm

I found my charm earlier today when I was cleaning. It really made me stop and think how dedicated and commited I was the 1st time I joined Weight Watchers.

This weekend has been okay. I'm trying a new healthy lasagna tonight. I'm hoping it will taste good. I don't think it's going to taste as good as the real good stuff!

Here is my charm:

The one that holds everything is in the shape of a 10 - for reaching 10% of my body weight gone.
I have the clapping hands for attending 16 meetings in a row.
25lb weight loss
50lb weight loss
75lb weight loss
5K walk/run
The star is for reaching my goal weight
100lb weight loss
The key is for being a LIFE TIME member!

I think I got all the charms possible...I look at this and it motivates me. I need to keep it in sight from now on!

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