Okay, the countdown is on now. Only TWO more months until my baby turns 1. It's a happy/sad emotion. Happy because he is growing up into such a sweet boy - and sad because he's not going to be my "little baby" for much longer!
I'm very much looking forward to all the "big boy" things like: talking, walking, eating real foods (not purees), potty in the toilet, first day of Kindergarten, etc.
I'm already planning for his 1st Birthday. I have a guest list made up and I made an event on Facebook to get an idea of how many people are coming. So far only 1 person has said she can't make it - I think we'll have a full house! I have the decorations planned out (and bought) I need to start planning a menu - something simple but yummy! I love parties!
Here are his monthly pictures/stats:

Newborn, 6lbs 9oz - 19 1/2 inches long.

1 month old, 7lbs 10oz - 21 inches long.

2 months old, 9lbs 15oz - 22 1/2 inches long.

3 months old, 11lbs 6oz - 24 inches long.

4 months old, 13lbs 3oz - 25 inches long.

5 months old, 14lbs 7oz - 26 1/2 inches long.

6 months old, 15lbs - 26 1/2 inches long.

7 months old, 15lbs 14oz - 27 inches long.

8 months old, 16lbs 2oz - 27 inches long.

9 months old, 17lbs 4oz - 28 1/3 inches long.

10 months old, 17lbs 10oz - 29 inches long.
At 10 months Logan:
- has started eating some finger foods
- likes to point his finger at things/people
- loves to dance when I sing or he hears good music
- gets into every cupboard so Grandpa Steve had to put locks on everything!
- babbles a lot more than he did last month, likes saying "da da da" and "ya ya ya"
- still sleeps through the night, and 2 naps during the day
- has 4 teeth on top, 3 on the bottom, and is currently cutting a bottom molar (ouch)!
- likes looking at books - his favorite one is called "Quack Quack" and yes, I have it memorized :)
- loves playing with the dogs, especially Oscar. He will find Oscar's favorite toy (Manny) or his ball and try and give it to him. He also likes to peek under the blanket where Oscar is sleeping and giggle at him.
- loves being chased! We played chase for about 30 minutes tonight. He'd crawl away from me and want me to come get him
- loves going for walks or to the park. The swing is his favorite! I wish we had more sunny days here